2/4 Man 1p Skirmish Movement "Twin Trays"
The twin trays: "2/4 Man Skirmish Movement Twin Trays" have been designed to be suitable for rules such as Sharp Practice and Saga or where hordes are being used; Zulus and Zombies come to mind. When added to other trays in the collection, a wide range of configurations can be made.
2 X 2 man trays are supplied.
Made from 2mm MDF, each tray comes in two pieces (which need to be glued together with woodwork quality PVA) and has the 2 circular bases included.
The diameter of the hole is 20.7mm. This allows a comfortable fit of a 1p sized base, once painted. All 1p bases are included in the pack. (mainly for international customers)
The two trays have been designed to work as an individual tray holding 2 models or "link" them together to form a 4 man unit in a variety of configurations.
Please also see "3/6, 4/8, 6/12 & 8/16 man Skirmish Movement Trays for alternative patterns. All trays are designed to "link" together giving a wide range of deployment options.