
New Release: 28mm 1:56 "Boardwalk" July 4, 2024 08:26

Made to match the "Walkway", 5 strips of planked boardwalk. Suitable for old west games or a fantasy setting. 

New Releases: 28mm 1/56 "Pantile Ruin C" & "Pantile Ruined Workshop" June 10, 2024 08:24

Two new releases today to the 28mm 1/56 Pantile Collection. Additions to the ruins using newly designed and 3D printed roof "chips" made by Paul at Sabotag3d. 

Both kits have thick 6mm walls, 3d printed roofs and resin exposed brickwork pieces.

I believe these may complete the Pantile Collection and short-term  future work will be directed towards the SE Asia collection.



New Release: Rivers Extra Large May 22, 2024 21:20

Many people have passes positive comment on my "Rivers" and "Streams" on this website. For a personal project, I wanted a much wider one so produced the RXL collection: 5 pieces of XL river ( 50mm banks with 277mm between) and an "Ends only" frame. Like the other releases, the River XL sections are designed to house diameter 5mm magnets (not supplied). 


Holiday Notice May 7, 2024 18:21

We will be away from 11th - 22nd May, returning to the workshop on 23rd. 

My time is to be spent with family as part of my extended 60th birthday celebrations. It is unfortunate that I have to take time off so soon after taking 9 weeks off sick however I am sure it will do me a power of good. 

Apologies if my delay in getting orders out causes any inconvenience. 

Further Extension to Temporary Closure : New Opening date 22nd April April 15, 2024 21:50

Apologies, I still cannot walk or drive. I did however have a review with the surgeon today (15th April) who advised me that I should be able to drive in a week -10 days and have full mobility and discard the crutches in a month. 

I am now aiming to reopen the website checkout on 22nd April. 

In the mean time I am designing new kits (4 at the time of writing this) which, once prototyped will be released shortly. 

Thank you for your continued patience. 



Extension to Temporary Checkout Closure: Target Reopening Date, 16th April. March 26, 2024 07:47

5 weeks into recovery after my foot surgery, I am making slow progress. I had 4 weeks in bed, one week with a zimmerframe and am now wobbling on crutches. 

My 6 week x-ray and review with the surgeon has been put back until 15th April and I have been advised not to fully load bear on my foot or drive until my review. Proposed new reopening date is 16th April. I am sorry if this causes any inconvenience. 

Not all doom and gloom, as I have drawn some new model kits which I cannot wait to prototype / assemble and paint before release. I am also very close to completing my Sharp Practice Confederate army. 



Temporary Checkout Closure January 29, 2024 08:34

Charlie Foxtrot Models will have the checkout page temporarily disabled between the dates of 15th February 2024 and 1st April 2024. 

The website will remain open for browsing and accessing tutorials and instructions but no purchases can be made during this time. 

I am having planned surgery on my foot: some bone removal and two metal pins inserted. I have allowed myself 2 days to clear any orders "on hand" and to clean / oil the lasers with surgery taking place on 19th Feb. 

I have been advised that recovery is six weeks and plan to fill my time reading / painting miniatures and designing new kits to prototype when I am mobile again. 

Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience I may cause you. 



Wargames Soldiers & Strategy January 24, 2024 19:25

Glad to get my hands on Wargames Soldiers & Strategy isse 128 last weekend. A few models from the Charlie Foxtrot portfolio appear in one of the articles: "Georgian House", "3 Storey House" and the "Eglise". Pic 4 shows Guy Bowers (editor) in action at Charlie Foxtrot Models HQ taking the pictures with a beaut of a model by Purple Lion Creations (bottom right). A really good chat with Guy and future projects chatted through at lengh......I am now painting Confederates with a passion. I do wonder if the chaos daemons in the cabinet behind Guy will ever grace the table again. They have not moved for years. 

Christmas Closure Dates 2023 December 17, 2023 12:30

I have held back with planning my Christmas closure dates hoping to combine with my post foot operation recovery. As I am still waiting for the date of surgery, I have booked the 19th Dec to 2nd January. I will be back in the workshop on 2nd prepping orders taken over the holiday. 

Many thanks to my customers and friends who have supported me through the past year. Happy Christmas. 


New Release : What a Cowboy Dashboard December 8, 2023 08:16

After getting a few more games in, I drew my own version of the WaC Dashboard. I am aware there are a few examples already on the market but did these for personal use. I have now released the dashboard being very happy with how it came out. 

Please note this product has been designed to accept "standard 12mm d6 die"

The unique thing about this is the ability to write notes on the dashboard so you can easily track the status of your characters in the game. 

I have "blocked" the action dice together in one slot, making them very easy to pick up in one go with one hand. 

Slots for the bonanza tokens are built in for storage. Each dashboard comes complete with 3 Bonanza tokens. 

The Dashboard can be bought individually or in a set of 4. 

USA Assembly & Painting Service December 5, 2023 08:49

Cullen Wegman is based in the USA and is offering a build and paint service for wargames terrain. Cullen can be contacted on

As I assemble and paint all my own models, I cannot comment on his pricing or turnaround but I do like what he has done with the "Terrace" (French Version).Really nice work. 

New Release: 28mm 1:56 "French Station" & notice of temporary closure. November 20, 2023 10:01

I must thank Mathieu Tyras from France for his concept sketches and background information which made this model "typically French". 

This large kit was due to be launched as a Kickstarter however I will be having an operation on my foot either next month, January or December. My biggest fear was to launch the Kickstarter and not be able to fulfill the pledges as I will be out of action for 6 weeks. The website will be open to browse, read instructions but the checkout, like me, will be temporarily disabled. The exact date of closure is not yet known.