New additions to the Pantile Collection. July 8, 2022 09:37

I have been following Carlos Elias Llop from Madrid over the past few years on Facebook. Carlos is an accomplished modeller and scratch builds buildings of Spanish architecture. Inspired by his images (and a little guidance from him) I designed a "new wave" of kits to add to this popular range. 

I started by trimming and filing a sheet of pantile card. The size of the individual tiles dictated the eventual size of the finished roof in that I needed to work with whole tiles. 

From a range of internet search images, I calculated the pitch of the roof and made a master. 


The master was sent off and shortly after, the first cast came back from Slug Industries...swiftly followed by another 4 so I could complete this wave of models.  

After drawing, prototyping and eliminating snags, I followed my own tutorial. Here are the steps I took the buildings through. 

Assembled and textured.

Honey brown.

Honey brown / tan mix

Pure tan, followed by bleached sand drybrush and patches of GW Agrax Earthsahde. 

Roofs base coated with Dulux emulsion and shutters on "Carthouse 2" painted with Foundry "Union Trouser Blue" (left over from an earlier project).


I painted the doors and windows and glued the windows to some clear acetate (blister packaging is great for this). Once the glue had dried, I cut around each piece with small scissors. 

 Windows and balconies  painted and glued in place, fascias painted and a little Agrax Earcthshade on the roofs completes the new additions to the range.