Wargames Soldiers & Strategy Issue 88 February 2, 2017 12:00
I subscribe to this publication and read it cover to cover. I am a bit slow with this issue, having to finish off a Terry Brooks trilogy before turning my attention to WS&S. The www.charliefoxtrotmodels.com "Eastern Front Church" gets a review and I have another MDF building article in "Parting Shots": this time the "Porch House" is featured.
Having had quite a few published, I still get as excited as I did the first time on seeing my words & pictures in my favourite magazine. Contact WS&S if you have any modelling / painting tips..... that is the page I turn to first.
Next issue no.89 has an American War of Independence theme...perfect timing as my New World collection is growing. 2 New releases are due in this range soon.